The Novel Magic Kit


Do you remember me hinting in a recent blog post about a Novel Magic Kit? Well, after months of work - it's here!

In essence, Novel Magic is a toolkit for writers struggling to turn their rough first draft into a polished manuscript. If you’ve been following me online for the last couple of years, you’ll know how long it’s taken to get my first novel (the one I'm querying agents with now) from hot mess to a query-worthy manuscript. I’ve rewritten my novel countless times and consumed wheens of writing advice, all without reaching my goal of a finished novel. I started to think I was wasting time on this book, that I’d never be able to string these disparate scenes into something remotely resembling a novel.

Eventually, I hired a professional editor. Her feedback restored my lost confidence. She helped me believe there was something special about the story I’d worked on for so long, and that I shouldn’t abandon it. Looking back, I think I needed that encouragement from a professional (i.e. someone who didn’t have to say nice things about my work!) to see myself as a writer. I began paying attention to my writing process. I stopped feeling guilty about the hours spent writing instead of doing a ‘real job’.

Things started clicking into place as I fine-tuned my writing process. A large part of that meant simplifying. For years I thought there was a ‘right’ way to write, so I got bogged down with character sheets, scene lists and trying to achieve the perfect outline. My editor’s encouragement helped me realise I didn’t need all that if it wasn’t helpful. I also had to accept that I have a short attention span, which didn’t gel with many of these meticulous writing plans.

We all have only so much creative energy in a day. I’d rather spend mine writing than preparing to write. But - I still need a loose road map otherwise my wandering attention flits off to the next shiny idea, regardless of whether it works within the overall story 😅

So, I started experimenting. I’d give myself just 5-10 minutes to troubleshoot a scene. I combined this with what I’d learned about creative brainstorming from Eva Deverell and Rachael Stephen - produce as many ideas as possible within the time limit, the more outlandish the better. The results really surprised me. I’d identify and fix my story’s problems in a matter of minutes instead of writing in circles for weeks!

After a bit of fine-tuning this developed into a fail-safe method for honing any piece of writing to a standard I was happy with.

The best part? The method hinged on just two simple steps.

I used it to finish my first book, outline my second and finish all my recent short stories. It's the closest I've found to a story-crafting spell ✨🌙

The Novel Magic Kit contains this two-step method and other useful writing tools:

📚 Novel Outline Guide - a breakdown of traditional story beats to help you revise your story's plot points & a printable novel template you can stick above your desk to keep you on track

✨ Writing Affirmations - beautifully designed writing affirmations to inspire your writing sessions

✍🏻 Videos - an instructional pep-talk from me plus a Rewrite With Me video to keep you company while you edit your novel

I'd planned a bells and whistles launch for the Novel Magic Kit but to be honest, sales pitches turn me into a clammy bundle of nerves 😬 Instead, I've opted for the quiet, soft approach. In the coming weeks I'll discuss Novel Magic on my blog and Instagram, that way you can make up your own mind whether the Novel Magic Kit is right for you. What works for me might not resonate with you, and it’s important you invest your time and money where you feel it’s most worthwhile.

But if this post feels like the permission slip you need to take your writing seriously, you can grab the kit right here at the early bird price of £30.

I really hope Novel Magic gives you the tools, direction and encouragement you need to take that last step towards finishing a story you're proud of! I can’t wait to read it when you’re done 😊