Last Minute NaNoWriMo Prep


It’s the last weekend before National Novel Writing Month. Before you write off participating, I’m here to tell you there’s still time to prepare. 2020’s been rough, might as well get a novel out of it!

Preparation is key to NaNoWriMo success. Last time I participated I knew nothing about plot or character arcs and just wrote whatever came into my head. I wouldn’t recommend that ‘method’. Although I reached the 50,000 word target I hadn’t written a novel. My My NaNo ‘win’ was a plotless, meandering mess that I’ve long since consigned to the shredder.

But you can do better! All you need is an outline. Outlines help writers navigate the twists and turns of their story. It’s a tool you refer to when you’re lost or overwhelmed. November isn’t about bashing out 50,000 words, it’s about writing a story. Further good news - you can create a solid outline in an hour or two.

If that’s convinced you to join then here’s two bullet-proof resources:

Eva Deverell’s One Page Plot - I can personally vouch for this course. I used Eva’s one page method to write all my recent short stories and to outline my second novel. I couldn’t have written the first draft of Against the Sun within three months if it wasn’t for Eva’s teachings. What I love about One Page Plot is that you have a plot hole free outline in a matter of hours - perfect if you’re planning on cramming all of your NaNo preparation into this weekend. The course is self-paced and access is for life, so after the manic writing spree of November you can return and flesh out successive novels at a gentler pace 😊 (and there will be successive novels - the first is always the hardest to write).

Rachael Stephen’s Plot Embryo Videos - before I discovered Eva’s course I devoured everything Rachael had to say on story structure. Her speciality is the Plot Embryo - a storytelling method developed by Rick & Morty creator Dan Harmon. Rachael’s videos helped me grasp what elements are essential for satisfying stories and how each plot point fits together. My plots were a swampy spaghetti of loose threads and floating scenes until I tried the plot embryo. Her ‘How I’d Fix’ videos are also worth watching. Learning where a story went wrong can teach you how to avoid similar pitfalls in your own writing.

Novel Magic Kit - because I know you’ll complete NaNoWriMo this November, I’m cheekily suggesting my own Novel Magic Kit 😁 The Kit contains everything you could need to edit your freshly penned novel, plus a Rewrite With Me video to keep you company and inspiring writing affirmations. The reality of NaNoWriMo is that you’re left with a first draft, not a completed novel. When I finished my first book, I discovered lots of resources on how to write a novel but less on editing. After going in circles with rewrites I finally completed my book, but it was a draining process. I put all I learned into this wee time-saving kit ✨

I could include wheens more resources but that wouldn’t be helpful. There’s mere days until November! Wading through writing resources will eat into precious plotting time.

Between Eva and Rachael my storytelling confidence soared. I know I can take any idea and craft it into an atmospheric, fully-formed book. These ladies encouraging approach and expertise works magic ✨ I’ve heard good things about other courses but without experiencing them myself it’d be remiss to recommend them here. There are also writing craft books, but time is of the essence!

I’d say that Rachael’s free videos will help you understand plot basics. Her Story Magic Academy goes into greater depth but isn’t open again until January.

If you’re looking to write a fast, coherent novel then One Page Plot is worth the pennies. The beauty of this method is that you could cook up several plots over the weekend, then pick your favourite to turn into a novel.

I hope these resources inspire you to join NaNoWriMo. There’s probably no better time to write a novel - it’s cold and dark outside, coronavirus has scuppered any social events and you’ll have the support of hundreds of other aspiring novelists for motivation. 2020’s been a nightmare year - why not end on a hopeful note by writing the novel you’ve always dreamed about?